Arte Internacional

Resumen del libro

libro Arte Internacional

Commemorating the art of Colombia, this compilation displays works from the the Art Museum of the Banco de la República in Bogota, Colombia. Presented in this spectacular selection of art is the splendid Donación Botero, which includes some of Boteros own works as well as original works of well-known North American and European artists. Filled with colorful photographs, this is a meaningful resource for anyone interested in the art of Colombia or art history since the late 19th century. Conmemorando el arte de Colombia, esta compilación expone obras del Museo de Arte del Banco de la República en Bogotá, Colombia. Presentada en esta espléndida selección de arte está la Donación Botero, la cual incluye algunas obras de Botero mismo además de obras originales de otros artistas bien conocidos norteamericanos y europeos. Lleno de fotografías, éste es un recurso significativo para cualquier persona interesada en el arte de Colombia o la historia del arte desde la segunda mitad del siglo XIX.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 239
  • Autor: Beatriz Gonzalez
  • Tamaño: 1.93 - 2.45 MB
  • Descargas: 1058

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  • Beatriz GonzalezBeatriz González

    Latino Book Award 2006 - Mejor Diseño Interior (Best Interior Design) Notably influenced by both the colorful character of pop art and the wide spectrum of Colombian local art, the painting and sculpture of Beatriz González explores political, social, and romantic subjects with equal insight. Although she refers to herself as a provincial painter, González has been recognized in the Colombian fine arts scene for more than four decades. In this complete collection of her work, it becomes clear how her pieces—with their fresh explosions of color and critically viewed subject matter—have captivated art lovers and critics alike. Influenciada de