Resumen del libro
This qualitative descriptive analysis explored a study that determined that only 0.09% (20/219) of teachers from the Department of Education (DE) knew about Assistive Technology (AT) and its importance in the development of students with visual impairments. Besides, this analysis explored three (3) assessment instruments used in Puerto Rico, Georgia, and Texas to determine the AT needs for students with visual impairments. With that input and using Gardner and Vygotskys theories, a preliminary assessment protocol was designed. Once this protocol has been validated by a panel of experts (judges) in AT and blind persons instruction, the final protocol could be used as guide by the Assistive Technology Advisory Committee. Since it emphasizes the strengths of students with visual impairments to determine which equipment would provide them independence and enhance their reading and writing instruction in inclusion classrooms, it will improve their learning achievement and integration into society.
Ficha del Libro
- Número de páginas: 270
- Autor: Otros
- Tamaño: 1.81 - 2.29 MB
- Descargas: 857
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