Cuban, That S All! An Exile In Three Acts Candid Voices Of A Spanglish Existence

Resumen del libro

libro Cuban, That S All!   An Exile In Three Acts   Candid Voices Of A Spanglish Existence

The original series of monologues detailing the Cuban repatriation experience from post revolution 1959 Cuba through today. Laugh, cry and relive all of the key turningpoints in the lives of Cuban exiles amid backdrops of historical events, life milestones and simple everyday situations. In Spanish, English and Spanglish. Monologues include: Shoebox Child, Operacion Pedro Pan, Los Quinces, El Interviu, Mayflower Mary and many more.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 172
  • Autor: Juan Hernandez
  • Tamaño: 1.60 - 2.10 MB
  • Descargas: 1773

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