El Propósito De Las Reglas Y Las Leyes (the Purpose Of Rules And Laws)

Resumen del libro

libro El Propósito De Las Reglas Y Las Leyes (the Purpose Of Rules And Laws)

Rules and laws play a vital role in helping people create societies. Without them, chaos would ensue. This informative book explains how rules and laws provide people with guidelines on how to live in societies and explores how having equal rights and responsibilities makes it easier for society to function well. The importance of rules and laws is demonstrated using age-appropriate text and full-color images. Readers will find a new appreciation for essential civics concepts from the C3 Framework for Social Studies.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 24
  • Autor: Joshua Turner
  • Tamaño: 1.64 - 2.19 MB
  • Descargas: 2276

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