How To Keep Your Healing

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libro How To Keep Your Healing

Healing belongs to every child of God, and it is your right to live in health every day of your life just because you belong to the family of God. Jesus paid the price for you to be healed, and He gains no glory when any of His children live less than the life of health He provided for His own. God’s Word shows us several methods whereby His children may be healed, for He wants His children to be able to receive healing no matter what their level of spiritual development. Every believer should be able to «hook on» to one of the different methods of divine healing. In this teaching, however, we wanted to focus on how to keep your healing once you have received it. No matter what method was used whereby you received your healing, whether through the laying on of hands, the prayer of agreement, the prayer of faith, a healing cloth, etc., we know that the enemy will try to steal your healing from you. But the Word of God instructs us what to do so that we maintain the healing we have received.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 14
  • Autor: Nancy Dufresne
  • Tamaño: 1.67 - 2.31 MB
  • Descargas: 1902

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