Resumen del libro
Many cultural socialization efforts are done by the use of popular sayings or refranes populares that illustrate a situation and its consequences. These popular sayings embody a moral lesson that children may recall when making a decision or are a result of something that happened to them because of a decision made. The refranes populares are engraved in everyone’s minds and are orally transmitted from one generation to another. Into Open Mouth a Fly Will Enter is one of a series of children’s stories developed using a popular saying that can be easily found across cultures. Get ready to follow a group of kids during a camping adventure. A family camping trip turns out to be exciting and exhilarating as a group of children discover new trails, places to swim, and receive a lifelong lesson. This book also has the final section with ideas for teachers to use in supporting students in the writing process from generating topics, conferencing, revising, editing, publishing, and book making.
Ficha del Libro
- Número de páginas: 60
- Autor: Elia Vazquez Montilla Ph D Lizzie Gonzales
- Tamaño: 1.81 - 2.38 MB
- Descargas: 1635
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