La Magia De Los Negocios Que No Quiebran

Resumen del libro

libro La Magia De Los Negocios Que No Quiebran

Everyone who wants to start a new business, to obtain a promotion, save a business or make an important contribution in their work can know the process that Dr. Roch proposes to achieve these goals with this book. To help explain this, he offers an analogy of an image of a table that is called La Mesa de Dr. Roch (The Table of Dr. Roch). Utilizing the Spanish word for table (mesa), the M stands for Market, E for Empathy, S for the Shipment or Output of goods, and A for the Administrating or Management of the resources. Add to these two additional concepts: the Individuals performance and Systems reproduction. This book has two objectives: demonstrate how to create a business and how you can succeed at becoming an entrepreneur.

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