La Muerte De Los Reyes : Intrigas Y Asesinatos Shakespeareanos

Resumen del libro

libro La Muerte De Los Reyes : Intrigas Y Asesinatos Shakespeareanos

The political atmosphere in the London of 1601 is fraught with conspiracy and treason, as the aging, childless Queen Elizabeth nears the end of her long reign with no direct heir to the British crown. While the Queens former favorite, the Earl of Essex, plots to protect her throne, his enemies, believing he plans to seize the royal office for himself, hatch counterplots. Intrigue is rife, rebellion is afoot. The Chamberlains Men, meanwhile, at the request of one of Essexs supporters, are staging William Shakespeares Richard II, which recounts a monarchs murder, and Nick Revill finds himself not only performing in a play but also acting as a spy for the government. When some of his closest companions in the cast begin dying in bizarre and unfortunate ways Nick realizes it will soon be curtains for himself unless he can finger the culprit in the company and figure out who is the mastermind behind the Essex rebellion.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 320
  • Autor: Philip Gooden
  • Tamaño: 1.85 - 2.23 MB
  • Descargas: 669

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