Multilingual Dictionary Of Knowledge Management

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libro Multilingual Dictionary Of Knowledge Management

The Multilingual Dictionary of Knowledge Management comprises some 3,400 basic and topical terms in the major European languages, i.e. English, French, Spanish, Italian and German. The terms cover all areas relevant for making knowledge management a success, such as database technology, document management, knowledge presentation, database administration or ?data mining? (searching for new interesting connections in large amounts of data) which is becoming increasingly common in larger businesses. The main part of the book is structured by the English-language terminology, along with explanations, synonyms or abbreviations if necessary. This is followed by corresponding terms in the other languages. Four alphabetical indexes, listing individual terms in the respective languages alongside their English equivalents, round off the main section. These indexes — which also serve as individual bilingual dictionaries in their own right — facilitate quick and easy access to the term in question. The Multilingual Dictionary of Knowledge Management is an invaluable tool for any large business since professional knowledge management has become a significant key for success. Librarians, translators and many others involved in knowledge management will appreciate this highly practical and up-to-date reference work.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 402
  • Autor: Otto Vollnhals
  • Tamaño: 1.58 - 2.45 MB
  • Descargas: 625

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