Naruto, Voluntad De Fuego

Resumen del libro

libro Naruto, Voluntad De Fuego

The most successful manga finally has a guide for you.With this book you will know in depth all aspects of Naruto and his companions from the origin of the story until the impact of the phenomenon known to many as the new Dragon Ball. Whether youre a newcomer to the world of ninjas, or one of those fans who cannot live without his ration of Sharingan, this publication will have all the keys of both the series and the manga has come to discover how to become a huge success it is today. Behind the book is an exhaustive investigation that has led the author to travel to the heart of Japan, to conduct opinion polls or interviews with the voice of the hero in Spain to understand the narutomania the full extent .

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 240
  • Autor: Daniel Quedasa
  • Tamaño: 1.92 - 2.48 MB
  • Descargas: 2386

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