Por El Amor De Rose: Un Viaje En Tres Mundos

Resumen del libro

libro Por El Amor De Rose: Un Viaje En Tres Mundos

Dramatic love set against real war. Frank Barbury the bright and outgoing 17 year-old son of an upstate New York dairy farmer who is opposed to guns, war and killing, seeks a career in locomotives…Rose Gerrard, beautiful 22 year-old sharp-tongued artist from Long Island upper classes is commissioned to create paintings for the 1939 Worlds Fair in New York. They meet at the mystical old stone railway bridge and fall deeply in love. Jake Barbury a couple of years younger than Frank envies his older brother and watches as a simple but deadly chain of events splits up the lovers and seduces each one to experience grueling and terrifying experiences in Spains bloody Civil War. When they find each other amidst the rigors of war and terror bombings their survival is a test of true love that exists beyond our physical world. This dramatic story is set in real places and events in the 1936-1940 period and it is Jake who finally discovers he is his brothers keeper.(Includes archival photos 1937)

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 268
  • Autor: Robert Egby
  • Tamaño: 1.79 - 2.43 MB
  • Descargas: 1916

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