Resumen del libro
From Prevention magazines fitness expert, the personalized workout that melts fat and builds muscle As fitness director of Prevention magazine, Michele Stanten routinely hears from people who feel trapped in workouts that are too hard or too easy, that have become boring, or that fail to produce measurable results. In response, she developed the Firm Up Action Plan, an innovative three-tier exercise program that allows readers to choose their workouts based on their individual fitness and commitment levels. Among the Firm Up Action Plans key features are: Innovative routines that combine walking and strength training with hot fitness trends such as Pilates and yoga A fresh workout every day to target trouble zones–the abs, butt, arms, and thighs–and prevent the boredom 21 days worth of menus that keep the metabolism humming for maximum fat-burning results Readers can expect to lose up to 6 pounds and several inches in just 3 weeks. Theyll firm up their attitude toward getting and staying in shape–so this time the results will last!
Ficha del Libro
- Número de páginas: 480
- Autor: Michele Stanten
- Tamaño: 1.68 - 2.45 MB
- Descargas: 549
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