Que Son Los Lujos Y Necesidades? (what Are Wants And Needs?)

Resumen del libro

libro Que Son Los Lujos Y Necesidades? (what Are Wants And Needs?)

For young people, it can be easy to confuse what one wants as opposed to what one actually needs. This thoughtful resource elucidates the basic concepts of wants and needs and how they fit into the economic landscape. Readers will be asked to consider the different priorities of cultures from around the world, offering a more global overview, as well as a perspective on what people needed in the past. The text nudges the idea of needs further with a discussion of emotional needs and what those might be.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 32
  • Autor: Barbara Hollander
  • Tamaño: 1.53 - 2.17 MB
  • Descargas: 935

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