Secretos Tántricos Para Hombres

Resumen del libro

libro Secretos Tántricos Para Hombres

Contains everything a man needs to know in order to be a good lover, based on esoteric traditions of sexual ecstasy • Includes practical and easy-to-follow Tantric rituals and sacred sexuality exercises for a modern lifestyle • Uses real-life stories of couples to show the benefits achieved with the practices • Offers an approach to lovemaking that encompasses all dimensions–physical, emotional, and spiritual From the expert teachings of a committed couple practicing and teaching ecstatic sexuality in a modern-day context, men will learn how to satisfy a woman on the levels of body, heart, and soul–and how to bring themselves to new heights of ecstasy in the process. The authors draw upon time-honored tantric and Taoist practices and modern sexology that will enable couples to make love more frequently, achieve higher and prolonged states of orgasmic intensity, experience lovemaking as a sacred endeavor, and deepen loving relationships.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 272
  • Autor: Kerry Riley
  • Tamaño: 1.79 - 2.36 MB
  • Descargas: 1142

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