Socioeconomic Factor And Outcomes In Higher Education: A Multivariate Analysis

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libro Socioeconomic Factor And Outcomes In Higher Education: A Multivariate Analysis

In the CoIombian case, it is very common to associate academic perfomance with the students socioeconomic conditions. A generalized and bivariate interpretation of this retationship could imply that only students from a high socioeconomic class would perform satisfactorily and that all students from a Iow socioeconomic cIass would perform pooriy. If this is the case, then the educational system could be increasing the gap between social classes instead of making it smaller. Therefore, it seems important to examine the way in which some socioeconomic factors are related to the students academic performance in Colombia. Consequently, Socioeconomic Factors and outcomes in higher Education: a Multivariate Analysis, explores the relationship between the results in standardized tests and socioeconomic variables in a cohort of Colombian students.

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